
Sunday, February 20, 2011

still there ...

We are still in Panama with the Peace Corps. Yes we have made it almost to the end of our two years of service. The time has gone by very fast and we feel very fortunate to have been given this opportunity. We have learned a lot, met so many wonderful people, and accomplished a lot. In fact, we have been so busy that I haven't had much time for blogging.

One of my favourite projects can be found at:

As always we are available through: http://travelinduo/blog

We are now counting down until our end of service and are simultaneously faced with a decision. Do we ...
-stay in Peace Corps and extend our service here in Panama?
-stay in Peace Corps and extend our service in another country?
-do we end our service and enter another phase of service with Peace Corps in the Response volunteer area?
-do we end our service and enter a non-volunteer phase of our life?

hmmmmmmm, the decisions! Return to hear about the decision that is made ......